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Dr. Toyanda Williams
John Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach, Speaker & Trainer, Certified Christian Counselor
A Message from Coach Toy
Why Choose Coach Toy?
She specializes in specific areas of life that have effected you personally.
Consider your values and make decisions that help you to live in peace
Setting Boundries
Get over your fears and take control back to experience balance
Evaluate the changes as a result of divorce and align your life accordingly
Dr. Toyanda Williams
Certified Christian Counselor
I’m a Dallas TX based Certified Christian Counselor. I work with people who are truly committed to making changes in their lives. I have a passion for coaching and seeing others experience the abundance of joy, healing and forgiveness I walk in daily.
What Is Life Coaching?
Who is Coaching For?
Life coaching, is an opportunity for you to partner with a trained professional, one-on-one to help you achieve your personal goals. It helps you recognize and overcome the habits and behavioral patterns that hold you back so that you can realize your full potential.
What Is a Life Coach?
The short answer is: someone who helps you focus on getting out of life what is important to you (even when you don’t know what that is yet!) and gives you the tools to keep doing this long after your final session.
Unlike counseling, Life Coaching isn’t that interested in the past, preferring instead to focus on where you want to go than where you have been.
How many sessions will I need?
Unlike a lot of Life Coaches I don’t have long-term contracts. I love it when clients are able to see results sooner than expected and prefer to give people tools they can use to keep moving forward after they have finished working with me.
The average client usually stays with me for between 4 and 6 sessions and seldom do I work for longer than 10 sessions with any one client.
Note: That presumes sessions are 1 hour when sometimes they are only 30 minutes.
Do you ever offer Life Coaching specials?
Very occasionally I run specials, however, these are always offered in the first place to my newsletter subscribers.
Can we speak prior to commencing Life Coaching?
Definitely, it’s something that I insist on doing with every client before I start working with them.
Even when people buy Life Coaching for family and friends I will speak with the client first to make sure that it’s going to be right for them.